Who are the Q-boids suitable for?

The Q-boidÒ insoles are suitable for customers who would like to regain flexible and strong foot muscles.

 Our foot muscles and the mobility of the feet are impaired by shoes we wear our whole life. The muscles get tired – but instead of stimulating them, we tend to try and relieve the feet with the help of artificial corsets such as common insoles, or by means of expensive gimmicks integrated in our shoes.

 In contrast, with the training system of Q-boidÒ the foot muscles are again activated. The performance of the feet, and thereby, of the entire musculoskeletal system are both challenged and supported.

Do the insoles have to be prepared for me individually?

The insoles do not have to be prepared individually, as they adapt flexibly as a locomotor system to your foot. The aim is not to keep the weakened foot in an artificial, unnatural position which might temporarily reduce pain – the Q-boids rather intend to actively strengthen the foot on a permanent basis.

Could the Q-boids help if I suffer from flatfoot or splayfoot?

Yes. As long as we wear shoes, no matter what shape, the fine motor skills in our feet are impaired. Weak foot muscles inevitably lead to a defective position of our feet. Almost everybody is born with naturally healthy feet. However, by permanently wearing shoes our feet lose their natural movement and muscular strength. This is where the Q-boids help.

Could the Q-boids help if I suffer from a heel spur, an inflammation of the aponeurosis or similar injuries?

Yes! By wearing stiff shoes the rotation in the middle foot is reduced and we tend to run more on the outer foot. As a result of the limited functionality of the foot, certain muscles can be shortened which in turn can lead to chronic pain under the heel. The Q-boids support the middle foot rotation and thereby the use of the muscles, which increases the mobility of the feet. This, in turn, can help with various injuries.

How often should I wear the Q-boids insoles?

The insoles include 3 exchangeable domes. No. 1 should be worn 1-2 weeks until you hardly feel the change caused by the domes. You then change to dome no. 2 and so on. There may be situations in which you might want to leave the domes out, however, the domes should be worn a few hours per day in order to achieve the desired effect. The good thing is that you only have to put the insoles including the domes in the shoes. The rest works alone.

Can my knees and hips be relieved if I regularly wear the Q-boids – and does this have an impact on my back?

Yes! Foot and hip each have a large movement radius. In contrast, the knee and the lower back only perform stretching and bending movements. Foot and hip can together compensate all rotation, provided, however, that these joints are flexible enough. If, for example, the knee has to compensate rotation, it is obvious that over the years the knee shows more symptoms of wear and tear. Due to lack of mobility the knees or the lower back become sort of a “punching bag” of neighboring joints. This is why Q-boids significantly relieve our valuable joints.

What type of shoes do the Q-boids insoles fit into?

Q-boids do not fit into shoes with high heels. In contrast, a broader and flexible shoe with slim outer soles is ideal for Q-boids. By nature, our foot is broad at the front and should get the space it needs. 

A general advice from the expert: Try and take the original insoles out of your shoes and step on them – you will quickly find out where your shoe might be too small.

What size of the Q-boids insoles should I choose?

You can get all Q-boids insoles in double sizes (36/37, 38/39, 40/41, 42/43, 44/45, 46/47). In some countries shoe sizes are different, but generally the insoles fit into the corresponding shoe size. If you wear shoe size 40, for example, you should order double size 40/41.

You should buy Qboid Business insoles, if you also want to use them for business shoes. In contrast, the Active and Performance insoles are broader and better fit into such shoes.

Can I wear my Q-boids also when I do sports?

Absolutely – you can and you should! By optimizing the flexibility of the feet and the foot muscles the Q-boids help to prevent injuries in the long term. Obviously, it does not make any sense to wear the Q-boids for the first time during a competition. The muscles have to get used to the change and during the first days you might experience some aching muscles.

Can I wash my Q-boids?

Yes, even up to 60 degrees. However, naturally, every wash might increase the risk of wear and tear of the insole. Please do not wash the domes but treat those with anti-bacterial spray instead.

Can my kids wear Q-boids as well?

Yes, the Q-boids naturally help kids’ feet as well and lead to an early perception of their feet. However, you should at first take care that your kids do not always wear shoes – it has never done anybody any harm to run around barefoot. If they do wear shoes, those should be flexible and the forefoot should be wide.

Can older customers also wear Q-boids?

Of course, but it might be challenging to explain nana that tight shoes do not mean more stability – the foot is able to stabilize itself and the Q-boids challenge the feet.

How long do my Q-boids last?

As any other insoles the Q-boids wear out in the course of time. In contrast, if used normally the domes are almost wear-free.

Can wearing of the Q-boids cause pain?

The Q-boids are like a training session for the foot and calf muscles. Therefore, you might experience aching muscles during the first weeks of wearing them, which however subsides in the course of the training. Hence, you actively feel the training effect. You will get used to wearing the Q-boids and most people will miss them when they do not wear them.

If I have problems with my feed, should I speak to my orthopaedic before I order Q-boids?

The Q-boids train your foot. We do not try to treat a defective position by means of a “corset” but rather intend to strengthen the foot muscles and restore the flexibility of the foot. The rest is up to you!