Step by step
to more power

With the Q-Boid® domes level 1 to 3 you can gradually build up your foot muscles and your running performance. Depending on the level the Q-Boid® domes differ in height and flexibility. That way you can adapt your training individually according to your requirements and potential.

Easy handling: The domes are easily fixed by a hook-and-loop system to the carrier insoles. That way they always fit exactly at the right place and do not shift.

The Big Kick-Off Starts on October 1st 2020

The Fitness Center inside your shoe can be ordered soon. We still need plenty of fans & friends that support our production on Kickstarter. We are working hard on optimising our product and since all our material is manifractured in Germany we are ready to sell the product immediately.
Early Birds can sign up for our newletter to have access to special offers.

Freedom for the feet

In today´s society, people who walk around barefooted stand out or are prejudged. However, unfortunately, shoes impair the natural flexibility of our feet. The worst fact is that we do not even realize how degenerated our feet already are until we finally consider orthopedic insoles as last option. However this is wrong. 

1, 2, 3 – the Q-Boid® system

Level 1 – an ideal start

It is recommended to start with the Q-Boid® domes Level 1. Those are rather flat and initially only gently activate the flexibility of your feet. Your feet will quickly get used to this new impulse without being overstrained. Start gently and then step up. 


Level 2 – first effects

Better control, improved rolling motion – more flexibility. You will soon realize that your feet “want more” as you will feel the improved strength of your foot muscles already after a few weeks. Now change to level 2. Important: as with any good training the effect should be noticeable but should not cause any discomfort.

Level 3 – full performance 

You might already experience approx. four weeks after your first use of Q-Boid® that your running performance has significantly improved, whether in training, competition or intensive running. From now on, make use of Q-Boid® domes level 3 in order to utilize the full potential of your feet.

Doctor Christian T. Hansen

Chiropractor DC, USA

I am very experienced treating patients who suffer from biomechanical problems including back, hip, knee and feet. It has been essentially important for me to treat the source of pain to avoid the pain in a long term rather than only cure the pain without looking at its root.
I have treated many patients including Olympian athletes since the last 10 years and I have developed Q-Boids together with my colleague from Northern America and took out a patent for it worldwide.
Q-Boid is extraordinary because we train our feet and lower extremeties through a progressive Training System instead of only using random shoe inserts.
We all need strong muscles and flexible joints in order to achieve physical performance as well as sustain daily routines. Moreover, trained muscles relieve pressure on feet, knees & hips and prevent tribological Symptome in those areas.